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DHS Cleaner Sticky Elastic Rubber Cleaner 98ml Pembersih Getah Melekit

RM 22.00
DHS Cleaner Sticky Elastic Rubber Cleaner 98ml Pembersih Getah Melekit Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Brand: DHS

Model: RP03

Capacity: 98ml

A new type of cleaning agent and water-soluble formula can effectively remove stains on the rubber surface, effectively maintain the long-lasting viscosity of the viscous rubber, and prolong the service life of the rubber.

Jenis baru agen pembersih dan formula larut air boleh menghilangkan kotoran pada permukaan getah dengan berkesan, mengekalkan kelikatan getah likat tahan lama dengan berkesan, dan memanjangkan hayat perkhidmatan getah.

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