
Victas Rubber VO 101 Medium Pimples Pips-out Table Tennis Rubber Made in Germany

RM 180.00
Victas Rubber VO 101 Medium Pimples Pips-out Table Tennis Rubber Made in Germany Ratings: 0 - 0 votes
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Model: VO>101

Rubber: Pips-Out

Surface: Medium Pimples

Sponge: High Energy Tension

Thickness: 1.8mm / 2.0mm / Max

Thickness: 37.5°±3°

Fit Type: Quick Attack

Origin: Made in Germany

The VICTAS VO > 101 is a very fast and dangerous short pips-out rubber with built-in High Energy Tension Technology. The long experience of our Japanese pips-out experts and the know-how of our German researchers (GJ Tec) resulted in a high-tech rubber which leaves nothing to be desired for aggressive pips-out attackers. The new rubber sheet with optimized pips geometry produces a great pips-out effect, and the flat trajectory of the ball will put your opponent under pressure. The elastic sponge combined with our High Energy Tension Technology opens up new dimensions of speed development in the pips-out segment.

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